Friday, May 8, 2015

For Niko

Nikolas Jesus Aguirre (May 9, 1990-May 8, 2008), my blue-eyed son, had strength of character and courage—not enough to defy gravity—but enough to wow his family and friends. His death left a gaping dark hole in our lives. Attempting to find meaning in his death, I stumbled upon the mandolin, and the healing power of music. I decided to carry on Nik’s legacy by pretending I had his courage; I was able to learn how to play the mandolin, banjo, fiddle, guitar, uke, bones, bodhran, mountain dulcimer and hammer dulcimer. Eventually, I started writing songs, which has helped me trudge through the perilous path of grief. Blue Wings is about that journey. I miss you Niko. Everyday.

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