Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summer Sestina

Dogs bark,
calling out the first day of summer,
and children dive into calm waters,
while mothers watch
on their patch of sand,
thinking of walks in the rain.

Clouds and thunder that threaten rain
prepare to bark
with sermons to send summers’
passion into the sand
in a deluge of water
that runs like a watch.

I watch,
unobserved, behind the bark
of a willow tree, protected from rain,
but not recollections that flow like water
with the persistence of wet sand—
Hauntings of past summers. 

A breeze scented with summer 
grass and pink peonies rains,
staining the grains of sand
the color of bark
as time dissolves like a Dali watch.
My eyes fill with water.

Memories, like a glass slipper, sanded
smooth as azure water
on a hot summer
day, with no barking
breeze, divide the rain
into tears that leak like the seconds on a watch.

My Minnie Mouse watch,
wrapped around a wrist textured like sand,
continues to bark
out time in spite of rain
and years passing, swift as water,
distancing me from this summer.

The first day of summer, a dancing diva, 
barks, filling my head with lethal memories as heavy as sand.
I set them free, as if they were glad birds flying.
They cascade down my cheeks like raindrops.  

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