Sunday, March 8, 2009

Every Day

by DaNae

She wants everyone to remember him; but its hard for the young to hold unto pain. We all try to use it to our advantage but afterwards we feel guilty, soiling the loved ones in our hearts. I'm sure they remember his name, and think of him occaisonally. Sometimes they laugh and maybe more often a lump forms in their throat, and the only way to make it go away is to cry, or pretend that everything is okay. And I think that a lot of them didn't learn the lesson Niko failed at. His death needs to have meaning for my mom, wants people to live and not throw themselves behind drugs. If ther is no point in his death, what can we do but continue to grieve? I miss him. Everyday.

1 comment:

Catherine's Mum said...

Hi Desire,

I've been bogged down over the last few weeks moving house and haven't had a chance to check my blog until now.

DaNae wrote a lovely post, and it is so true. Jason Burke (who drove the car that killed Catherine)has definitely not learned his lesson, and the crazy sentence he got certainly won't be a deterrant to him or others like him
in the future. He was and probably still is, very much involved in the drug scene and I strongly believe that alcohol wasn't the only thing he had in him that fateful day.

DaNae has her mother's gift for writing. Both of you keep up the good work.

Hope to be in contact again soon, when the "chaos" of the house move eases.

Very best wishes,